
October 2, 2011

12 weeks

We officially made it to 12 weeks on Thursday, which was awesome. As long as I thought the 8 weeks would be, I actually feel that they went fast.  On Friday, we had our Nuchal Translucency Test, which looks at Down Syndrome and Spina Bifida. We get the results next week, but the the technician said everything looks great! She said unless something is crazy with my blood the baby looks healthy. We also found out that it is 80% that we are having a GIRL!

At the appointment, they did an ultrasound and the technician said the baby has a strong heart beat of 158...that was my first clue it could be a girl. I have read that if the heartbeat is above 140 it is a girl, below is a boy. Then the technician took a better look and said that all signs in the genital area point to a girl. Hearing those words I was so excited! Every girl dreams of having daughter some day, and I was just excited to know I will get a chance! Then my immediate thought went to Bill...just as much as I have dreamed of having a daughter, he has dreamed of having a son. He is very excited the baby is healthy, and is becoming more excited at the thought of a girl. Good thing we have 28 weeks until she is due :)

Here is a picture of baby H + me in at 12 weeks...

♥ Meggan

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