
February 3, 2013

Where has the time gone!

I cannot believe I have not blogged in over 9 months...that's an entire pregnancy! Kennedy is growing each day, and simply just amazes us. I am REALLY going to make the effort to start blogging again, not only to share our beautiful Kennedy with friends and family, but also so I have this fabulous journal to share with our little miss one day.

So here is the short of what has happened to Kennedy over the last 9 months...

* Flew on a plane to Denver (8 weeks)
* Traveled to Oregon (3 months)
* Rolled over stomach to back (3 months)
* Rolled over back to stomach (4 months)
*Sat up (5.5 months)
*Celebrated her first 4th of July (Phoenix),  Halloween (Phoenix), Thanksgiving (Denver),
Christmas (Portland)
*Army crawled (5.5 months)
* I went back to work in October and Kennedy started with Miss Liz (6.5 months)
* First tooth (7 months)
* Pulls up on things(7.5 months)
* First word "dog"(7.5 months)
*"Real" crawl (9 months)
* First ear infection (9 months)
* Walks holding on to mom and dad's hands (9 months)
* At 10 months says..."bye bye" "dog" "ap (clap)" "dada"
* 3 teeth (10 months)

 ❤ Meggan